How To Protect Your Mental Health On Social Media

How To Protect Your Mental Health On Social Media

  1. Approach social media intentionally

    Ask why? If you find yourself opening up Instagram first thing in the morning, think about why you are doing it. Is it mindless scrolling? Or are you trying to distract yourself from something you are presently facing. Does this need to happen right now? Being mindful and intentional takes courage and bravery. When you reach for your phone, ask the brave question: Why am I doing this now? Then decide if you want this to be a part of your life.

  2. Follow accounts and content that you enjoy

    Be conscious and mindful of the accounts that you follow. Follow accounts that you enjoy, relate to, and inspire you.

  3. People only post what they want you to see

    Remember that social media can be a highlight reel - most people only post what they want you to see

  4. Unfollow, mute, restrict or block

    When you feel that your mental health is taking a toll through social media, remember that you have the choice to use exsisting functions to help you get back to yourself. Unfollow, mute, restrict or block as needed.

  5. Detox or limit your screen time

    Phones are like computers except worst. They stay with us 24/7 and it’s hard to limit our screen time when you can do almost anything through your phone. However, we can start with small goals. When in the company of people try to resist the urge to pick up your phone. Alternatively, ask yourself: What can I do that makes me happy without using my phone?

The joy is in discovering. We don’t have to have it all figured out but, little by little, we can find out what makes us happy beyond the world of social media and technology.

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