How To Break Up With Fear

How To Break Up With Fear

“Thank yourself for how far you’ve come in life, instead of thinking of how much further you need to go, to get to somewhere else. Fear is a liar, who’s running out of breathe, don’t let it take yours too”

Every relationship is important, but the most important one is the one we hold with ourselves. In between days and nights, fears may creep in, even when we don’t want them to. They are the doubts, that want to ruin you, and you must never let them win. The thing is, overbearing fears don’t usually creep in when we’re already low, or discouraged. It’s when we feel on top of the world, and wake up invincible that fears tend to try to overtake OUR joy. That’s where you and I need to step in, and end its streak of getting away with taking what we deserve. That is feeling love towards ourselves, forgiving that we are not perfect, and never can be. Thank yourself for how far you’ve come in life, instead of thinking of how much further you need to go, to get to somewhere else. When these thoughts consume you, breathe deeply, in and out. Take mornings to just breathe out, or practice in your car at each stop light. Letting go of fear, worries, and anxiousness is a form of self-care. Why put expectations on your mind, body, and soul that can harm your well being? Let it be, ask yourself,

“Can I fix this problem?”

If the answer is no, why pass it on to your mind so it can deal with it by itself? Don’t worry. God got you, if you got him, and if you don’t give a small prayer. Ask someone to pray for you. I promise, if you give him 2 minutes of your day, he’ll give you two thousand reasons for your problems to solve themselves.

Breaking up with fear can be daunting at times because we are used to break-ups with people, not negative feelings. Let’s change that, switch it up. Negative feelings are just as harmful as the wrong person in fact they can probably do more damage to us than another person. We are our biggest motivator and inspiration. If you think you can’t do something, then you know what, you probably can’t. That’s the honest truth, but if you reside in the confidence that you CAN, your brain re-wires, and you are now in control of your own capability simply by trusting you will be okay.

God has a big plan for all of us, and though at times worries might be the cause of all our stress, there is nothing we can do to see the future. The present wants you so badly to live today. So for that, it needs you to:

  1. Make amends with your past

  2. Forgive yourself, we have all done things we regret/wish we could change

  3. Remind yourself that you’re okay, everyone’s heart is heavy. Believe me.

  4. Connect with yourself, and do a small prayer

You could have the world in the palm of your hands, with all your problems solved, all worries extinguished, and still, there’d be something we’re missing.

Enjoy today, and break up with fear. I’m much happier that way


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Hilda Coleman is a student and also a writer for Thought Catalog. When she is not in school, she can dive into psychology or philosophy books for hours. Her inspiration comes from legends like Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and T.S Elliot. She writes to live on the edge of existing beauty and in between the chaos of things. She writes to be vulnerable and to conquer the courage of her own story. She believes this is the truth about writers: "We are the brave ones, the ones who take risks in love, and the ones who turn the failed attempts into rich poetry."

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