My Heart On Me Exclusive Chat with Juice Magazine Singapore

My Heart On Me Exclusive Chat with Juice Magazine Singapore

The idea of disconnecting is so fluid that, often, in that space of desiring connection, we so easily find ourselves placing another mask over our most authentic selves.
— Interview with Juice Magazine Singapore

The interview was conducted by Sadat Osman, Head of Digital Content at Juice Magazine.

In today’s society, where people “disconnect in order to connect”, what do you think young adults are missing out on?

Themselves. I think that people are missing out on the journey to discovering their most authentic selves. I realise this not only true for young adults but adults, teens and children as well. We truly miss out on the unique factor that only you can provide to this world. The idea of disconnecting is so fluid that, often, in that space of desiring connection, we so easily find ourselves placing another mask over our most authentic selves. I am reminded by this quote by Mike Breen: “We have become human doings rather than human beings”.

Understanding that you are a people’s person, what is the furthest you have gone to make someone’s day?

I have sat with people for 5- 8 hours straight just giving them the time and space to discover who they are and to unpack their experiences, feelings and thoughts. It sounds simple but really how often can we sit with someone and not tell them “you should do this” or “why don’t you do this” or even making a joke out of something which subconsciously means a lot to them.

Could you explain the joy you feel when connecting with others?

Well the joy comes in knowing someone and valuing someone for who they really are and for what they really think and feel. Often at the end of our workshops or coaching sessions, I see a glimmer of hope and curosity in their eyes to want to discover themselves more.

At 23 years of age, what do you think is more important – a career, a clear mind, or something else? Why so?

Community. No one gets to where they are in life alone. Even infants are not born into this world alone, it takes many hands to deliver a child. I believe the sooner we realise that the better life becomes. The more we learn about ourselves and people the less our expectations will have such control over our body, mind and spirit. I remember hearing once that expectations are like bombs just waiting to go off.

What’s in the pipeline for 2018?

We have in order to run MHOM workshops and open community events in selected countries through partnerships and collaborations.

Ultimately 2018 will be a year focused on our coaching platform. Facilitated in 6-month blocks of time where people come together to engage in deeper relationship and continuous breakthrough within their different context- family, friends, work, business, new relationships, community, etc. This platform is currently open for anyone whom is willing to commit at understanding ourselves on a deeper level in community. Feel free to write to us, we will love to hear from you.

Also, we have extended an open invitation to gather a MHOM team who is passionate about driving MHOM in different countries, and in different context.

While being based in Singapore we welcome businesses, schools, families, friendship groups, counselling centers, therapy centers, religious organisations, and more, to work together.

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