Things You Need To Hear Today

Things You Need To Hear Today

  1. Please trust that if it wasn’t meant to be you’re not missing out.

  2. Your energy is your currency.

  3. Pace yourself.

  4. It’s normal to miss people that were toxic to you. But that doesn’t mean they deserve a place in your life.

  5. The real flex is healing yourself without becoming those who traumatized you.

  6. You are not the cause of your trauma, but you are responsible for your healing.

  7. You deserve the empathy you give others.

  8. If prioritizing your needs and setting healthy boundaries is selfish, then so be it.

  9. You can be empathetic and still assert healthy boundaries.

  10. You are not responsible for maintaining anyone else’s happiness.

  11. Breathe. Sometimes you gotta take it one day at a time, minute by minute, hour by hour.

Before You Dismiss Therapy…

Before You Dismiss Therapy…

Beyond The Buzzword - What Is Self-Care?

Beyond The Buzzword - What Is Self-Care?